Do you need a website for your business but really don’t want to spend a lot of money? There are many free tools that you can use to build a website for your online presence.
Meaningful and impactful content is your website’s lifeline. You need to get it right if you want to be successful and stay on the top of your niche and industry. But creating great content is just one part of the equation. You need to ensure that you get it seen by the right audience.
This blog will provide you with a list of tools that you can use for your website to make your life a lot easier. It will look at the different types of tools that are available for different situations and what they can be used for. And, we will be look at tools that can help you with marketing, SEO and marketing automation.
Let’s look upon these tools.
Free Blogging Program
Blogs have become very popular, and the most popular blogging platform is WordPress. It is the powerful blogging program in the world that is also a content management system (CMS).
It’s free, easy to use, and flexible enough to make it one of the best blogging platforms in the world. It’s used by more than 60 million sites across the web, including CNN, TechCrunch, and Mashable. The beauty of WordPress is that you can create a beautiful site without ever touching a line of code. There are hundreds of free templates that cover just about any niche you can think of.
A content management system manages the content on your site. Why is this important?
- A content management system (CMS) is a type of website software that allows you to build your site without writing code.
- It makes it simple for anyone to set up a site, add content to it, and not worry about it any further.
- The program manages the content for you, setting it up in archives, categories, and so forth.
- CMS make it simple to add and organize content on the site.
- You can even add content online, at any time, from anywhere.
- The system manages the content itself, making it easy for you to add, remove or update content.
- You can take your site live immediately, or make edits and changes.
Importance of WP-Plugins. Why should we use it?
WordPress is an incredible content management system that has changed the rules on how websites are made. For example, if you want to start a new website, you can create the site, build its architecture, embed it with plugins, create a blog etc. in a matter of minutes.
It’s truly amazing. But with great power comes great responsibility.
And if you are not careful, WordPress can easily turn into a virtual nightmare. If you are planning to move your website to WordPress, make sure you use the right tools.
There are hundreds of free plugins available to make WordPress incredibly powerful and easy to use. One of the best places to find these free plugins is at
If you haven’t used a plugin on WordPress before, you are really missing out. Plugins allows you to do more with your site for less effort.
You can auto blog, run a website from a mobile device, run a website from a social network, and even more.
Where to find the best free themes for your website?
When you are starting a blog, it can be very confusing trying to figure out where to look.
Choosing the right WordPress theme for your blog is important. It’s the first impression that you give to your readers. A nice clean theme that is easy to read will keep your readers coming back to your blog.
There are so many places out there that offer free WordPress templates. There are even more paid templates, but that can get expensive. Right!
There are several reasons why WordPress is so popular. Along with the ease of setup, you can also easily create your own theme. You can also modify plugins to work with your theme. You can even hire someone else to create the theme for you for a very reasonable price.
You can find thousands of themes at the site. There are themes that are 2 columns, 3 columns, that accept widgets (which make it very easy to modify the sidebars), and themes of every color and design.
Best Free HTML Editors
If you are developing an HTML Web page, whether for your small business or for your personal use, you need to know about HTML editor. HTML editors are solely dedicated to the development of HTML Web pages.
There are some great free HTML editors available. These HTML editors make it easy for you to create and edit Web pages.
The two most popular HTML editors are and Notetab Lite (available at
Notetab Lite is available to download for free. If you are new to HTML editing, NVU is comparable to Dreamweaver. It might not be as powerful as Dreamweaver, but provides enough power for most of us who just want to create some basic Web sites.
Whether you use NVU, Dreamweaver, or Frontpage, having Notetab Lite on your computer is highly recommended. Many people use it for editing existing HTML files.
Notetab Lite is a freeware application that is helpful in taking care of your HTML file editing.
It is a great HTML editor and very easy to use. The program is made by NCH software and is a great tool for anyone who works with HTML.
Free Online Graphics Program
We all need graphics for our blogs and websites, the problem is that the paid alternatives are often times out of reach for a lot of people.
Thankfully there is a powerful alternative that is free and open source, GIMP.
GIMP is really just the best open-source graphics program out there. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or a pro, GIMP is a graphics program that anyone will find useful.
With GIMP you can edit photos and other graphics. Most people will find that GIMP has all the tools they need.
GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) supports the most popular file formats: GIF, TIFF, PNG, PSD, and JPEG. The program works with Windows XP and Vista, Mac, Linus, and Sun. You can check it out at
Tutorials for HTML, WordPress, NVU, and GIMP
All of these programs have tutorials available. There is also a Dummies book for WordPress if you find it easier to gather information in book format.
Some tutorials can be found at the sites listed above, or you can do a search for “NVU Tutorial,” “GIMP Tutorial,” or “WordPress Tutorial.” A popular HTML tutorial can be found at One of the great things about the Web is all of the free tutorials available.
Hey, why are you waiting? Get Started from Today
With these powerful free tools available there is no reason not to get started online today creating Web sites.
Anyone can set up a website. It doesn’t take a lot of money and it doesn’t take a lot of time. There are a lot of great tools available. The biggest hurdle is just getting started.
If you are completely new, try setting up a WordPress blog first. It is easy, free, and great way to get started.
The only expense you should have is getting a hosting account and getting a domain name. Both are fairly simple and inexpensive to do. Domain names usually can be had for around $10 and hosting can be bought at places like Go Daddy or Host Gator for about $15 per month or cheaper.
Internet marketing is a huge industry and it does not have to be expensive to get started. There are so many free tools available to help you, including HTML editors, graphics programs, and competition analysis.
While there are plenty of tools that you don’t have to pay for, there are also quite a few that you do.
If you want to get started with Internet marketing and don’t have a lot of money to spend, we recommend starting with the free tools and working your way up as you make more and more money. The list we’ve shared is a great place to start, but we’d love to hear from you. Are there any other tools that you recommend?
Leave a comment below and let us know!